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Today's WTF: Police Brutality, Elderly Woman with Alzheimer's disease slammed on the ground at Walmart

Now this is just messed up:

On the night of August 1, at a Whitehall, Ohio Walmart, Virginia Dodson could not remember why she was sitting alone in a car. Coming to grips with her enclosed environment, it dawned on her that she did not know how to unbuckle her seat belt either. Panic began to take hold.
Her solution was to scrounge up a steak knife and cut through the straps, eventually finding her way into the confusing world of the parking lot, still wielding the blade.
Virginia, an 84-year-old African American, has Alzheimer's disease. Like many other sufferers, the responsibility for her care fell to her adult child. Her daughter, however, was inside the store.
It was only a short matter of time before the police were called.
As she wandered the parking lot calling her daughter's name, she was approached by a white, female officer who clearly ordered her to drop the weapon. She did not.
What happened next was captured on video
The cop should be fired, period. And charged with assault. But I'm willing to bet the cops will find no excessive force and she won't get in trouble. In fact if she does, I'm willing to bet it will only be for getting caught on camera.


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