Jon Gosselin: Police Ordered Kate to Leave After Fight
Posted by
Blaine "Train" Chetram
on Friday, August 14, 2009
Jon Gosselin says police made Kate leave their $1.1 million Pennsylvania home Thursday night after a heated argument. "She tried to come home yesterday, and I wouldn't let her in the gate, and I guess she called the police," Jon says. "An officer pulled me aside and I said, 'This has never happened before and I'm just trying to spend time with my kids and she's [Kate] gonna have to leave,'" he says. Jon says Kate "tried to 'cry it up' with the cops and it didn't work and they said, 'You have to leave.' "It was a miscommunication. Kate said she was coming home, and I said, 'Well, it's my time to spend with the kids,'" Jon goes on. "I don't come home when she's with the kids, and vice versa -- and that's how it's supposed to be." Us Magazine
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