We blog for fun. Plain and simple.

Guarantees In Life (Part 2)

To continue what Kierra started, here's number 10 on our list of guaranteed events in your life, your mother's life, your brother's life, and everyone else's life.

10. You will get a haircut one day... and you will regret it.

This one's self- explanatory. If this hasn't happened to you by the time you've reached your teens, be prepared for a rude, socially disturbing awakening. Whether parentally induced, self-inflicted through a lapse of good judgement, or simply due to that buzzer you should've replaced at the first sign of malfunction (A.K.A go and invest in a decent one in a first place), who hasn't had that "oops..." moment?

Don't cry... that style will be "hip","hardcore" and "slick" soon enough. Just wait. People will catch on.

Literally Yours,


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