Hey guys,
So I haven't really posted much about me lately and I feel the need to post something, so I choose you to read this sad excuse for a post. I'm sorry that I am not Blaine, and yes the blog sucks since he's been gone, so I apologize at the lack of talent I possess in this area (blogging). Follow him on Twitter, and tell him to get back or you'll be reading more lame things such as this (@BlainesWorld).
I have all these things on my mind, and maybe you want to share your opinions, just maybe. I was sitting in World Religions class today resisting the urge to turn around and take out the girl behind me, as she is driving slightly.. bonkers. But, I didn't because well lets face it, I'd be suspended. If any of you watch 'One Tree Hill', you'd know of the so called villain, Dan Scott. I read this today looking through quotes that actually meant something to me, and I came across this. "Happiness doesn't come cheap. Hell, if it did we'd all be smiling". He's supposed to be this evil guy, which I mean nobody can disagree with, but his character actually carries so much wisdom and poise with everything he says. It's like it has a deeper meaning then you would ever think at the time.
It's true, happiness isn't cheap. It takes work, and if you think everything is just going to turn out fine. If you think, everyone and everything will ALWAYS be there for you. You'll ALWAYS be wrong. Nothing can ever be perfect. There will always be tragedy, but don't get me wrong, you'll experience so much you'll be grateful for in your life. Some may say losing your hearts desire, will be the most tragic thing you may experience, and I may only be 16, but I think I understand what it means. When you lose that part of you, you'll seem as if a part of you is missing, but you need to think of the beginning. The beginning, where you gained your hearts desire, that's all you could ever dream of happening in your life.
You don't need to be afraid of life. You need to embrace it, every little part of it. Even when you think the world is crashing on you, and no ones there, there will always be someone else out there feeling the same way as you. Your not alone, this world is huge; filled with love, and people who DO care about you, and that's all you'll ever need. We'll always be here for YOU. "Smile, happy looks good on you :)"
I'm just writing this because the whole concept of feeling alone, and having a broken heart. It happens to everyone, EVERYDAY, and we can't choose to ignore it, we have to work through it. I hope this maybe inspires people to actually do something, embrace your life, you only live for so long, make it last - you deserve it.
I love you guys, thanks for reading...I tend to ramble. Bear with me?
Erin xo <3
"At this moment there are 6,470,818,671 people in the world. Some are running scared. Some are coming home. Some tell lies to make it through the day. Others are just not facing the truth. Some are evil men, at war with good. And some are good, struggling with evil. Six billion people in the world, six billion souls. And sometimes... all you need is one" - Peyton Sawyer (One Tree Hill)
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