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Text Messaging Don't: Tip of the Day

The Bulk Texter

An example of what a series of texts from this person might look like:
  1. Hey!
  2. What's up?
  3. What are you doing tonight?
  4. Some of us are going to Cool People Club tonight.
  5. Around 10
  6. It's gonna be me and Chris
  7. Are you coming?
  8. Let us know
  9. Byeee!
  10. lolz
An example of what that exchange should look like:

Text 1: Hey, Chris and I are going to Cool People Bar around 10 tonight. Let us know if you wanna come.
An example of what you could text back:
  1. Please
  2. never
  3. text
  4. me
  5. this
  6. way
  7. again.(one minute pause)
  8. For "realz."


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